

This is my world, my work. It will be fun here. An itsy-bitsy emotion sprinkled here and there, but mostly fun.

Fuel to an engine is what feedback is to creators. We survive on feedback and acknowledgement that our tries to bring a change in the world has borne fruit.

That being said, everyone is welcome here for comments and suggestions.

It is after all, one big family we live in.


My name is Swapnil Vajpayee.

I hope to stay connected with you. I can be reached at thedeepestofme@outlook.com

Happy Reading!!! 🙂


27 thoughts on “About

  1. I’ve nominated you for a bloggers recognition award on my latest blog post: https://dictionarydutch.wordpress.com/2016/08/16/blogger-recognition-award/

    If you want to (completely your choice) accept the award, here are the rules:
    1. You must write a post accepting this award
    2. Acknowledge the blogger that nominated you
    3. Briefly talk about how you got started blogging
    4. Give 2 pieces of advice for new bloggers
    5. Nominate 15 deserving bloggers!

    Liked by 1 person

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